Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So I got laid off today...

That's a great opener... love that! Oh yeah!

Yeah, seriously! "Budget cuts." I was totally fed up and bored at my job anyway, but it was very abrupt. That bothered me, I mean, who likes to get fired?

My boss called me into her office and the next higher up told me I no longer had a position, to hand over my badge, take my check, get my stuff, and leave immediately. It wasn't put exactly like that, but that is the gist of it.

Now I have the time to dedicate to finding another job I suppose. And time I can put into some of my hobbies since I now have no schedule. I think this will be nice, if (hopefully) only for a short time.


Kari said...

Sorry to hear that. Good luck finding something new!