Monday, September 24, 2007

Our future climate: we are screwed

Everyone is just going to sit around and debate about it, squabble like little children, "it's not fair, they don't have to, why should we", blah blah blah. By the time we all manage to pull our collective heads out of our collective ass, it will be 20 or more years down the road and it will be too late. We will already be seeing DRASTIC changes in our climate (because what we have seen so far people, is not drastic... keep that in mind), people will start dying and being displaced by the millions. Economies will fail, borders will close (god I sound like the guy on the corner wearing a big wooden sign on both sides of me preaching at the top of my lungs about "doomsday is upon us" and "judgement is at hand" to throngs of people who are doing their best to ignore me), and we will all just have to manage survive as best we can.

More sane rant after the jump...

I was riding my scooter into work this morning, and actually quite enjoyed the briskness. I was thinking of pictures I have been looking at lately of guys in Tokyo, Japan, that have super tricked out scooters. The scooter scene is huge there. Everyone has one. It is ubiquitous. Seeing a Vespa there is rare, as they are Japanese, they have direct access to many Japanese manufacturers, I digress. In these pictures, many of the guys are wearing big, warm, puffy parkas. I was comparing this to my own experience riding in this morning. I started thinking about what it would be like if our climate, locally, changed and it was say... arctic like. What would happen? What would you do? What would our society do? We would do what humans always do, adapt and survive. Life would be a bitch though.

I would rather we just come together, as sane, intelligent, concerned people, and all agree to solve this problem. But that is idealistic, and the world doesn't function ideally. More to the point, governments, which are ultimately just people, do not function idealistically.

"China doesn't have to do it!" Whaa Whaa Whaaa! >:-[ Rrrrrrrrrrrgh!

"If China is going to keep fucking the world, well then we are too!" :P OMG! I feel like I am trapped in second grade!

Reading the news is ruining the wonderful day I started with... I think I will stop that now, and find something else more soothing to do... like stare at the carpet on my cube wall... ya...


Kari said...

I have found, in the last year, that watching the news depresses me so much I can't sleep at night. Our world really sucks.