Friday, September 28, 2007

Who likes junk mail? Raise your hand...


No one?

Hmmm... maybe then you would like to stop junk mail? Possibly you would even like to save a tree?

Well then it is a good thing you surfed by! I can direct you to kill 2 birds with 1 stone (although I don't advocate killing birds...). offers this service. For 15 bucks (a one time fee) they will not only drastically reduce the amount of junk mail you receive in your mailbox (thus saving trees defacto) they will also plant 10 trees in conjunction with their non-profit tree saving friends! OMG! Does it get any better than this?!?

You can do it for any name in your house, and for an extra dollar per name they direct you to another source that eliminates even further the amount of junk mail you receive. They will get rid of mail address to "current resident" etc. as well. They will send you postcards, already addressed and stamped for delivery, to some other companies that require your signature to remove you from the list. They will monitor the list to ensure that you remain off of it!

Come on people, it doesn't get any sweeter than this!

Save a tree! Save a lot of trees! Plant some trees! Stop receiving junk mail (which I KNOW you are recycling, not throwing away...)!

This has been a public service announcement.


Kari said...

Is it sad that at first, I thought you were talking about junk e-mail rather than just junk mail?

I think I get more spam than I do actual junk mail! (At least the spam doesn't waste paper.)

Vespa Rich said...

No, every person I told about this immediately replaced junk mail with spam as well... although I didn't SAY spam, I said junk mail, but still, all email systems have a "junk" mail folder, so I guess it makes sense.

You are not alone! :)

I decided not to point that out in my post, I would just let everyone figure it out in their own due time :)