Wednesday, July 18, 2007


When I was in college (God that makes me sound old) I had some friends that had an apartment right on the railroad tracks that ran through town. I mean right on the railroad tracks. It was old, and because of the proximity to the train, I am sure it was very cheap. This results in apathetic neighbors, a very good thing if you would like to have a kegger, say - every Wednesday.

Those parties were a lot of fun, and gave me something to look forward to each week, on hump-day. In honor of that tradition we have instituted the humpdecue, a hump-day-bar-b-cue. This started because when we had our house warming party, everyone came over, and everyone loved the house, and the location, and the big back yard for barbecuing, and said that our house is the new hang-out, yet it really isn't. I figured that most people would not be inclined to invite themselves over, or to tell you that you should have a party. Thus, if you want to have people over, you have to have an event to do so. So I invented a weekly excuse for a barbecue. Went over well last week, and even invited a new friend I had never met before to it. This week looks like it will have a fine turn out as well.

And hell, if no one shows up, I am still going to drink beer and eat barbecue, and life could be a whole lot worse than that!
