Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I want to blog... really...

...but there is really nothing to blog about right now. The news is crap.

Senate strikes down troop withdrawal, like you didn't see that coming.

It's unusually nice here in Sacramento. The weather is uncharacteristically pleasant for this time of year, according to 10+ year veterans of the area. I think this is the deep inhale, the calm before the storm, that is global warming. I expected that after last summers sweltering heats, that this year would be the same, only slightly worse. I think that is a common misconception, as it is termed global warming. While it is true that global average temperatures are rising, it does not mean that temperatures will consistently be warmer than average. What the result of these differing temperatures is abnormal weather behavior in all seasons. This could me extremely hot summers or it could mean more mild summers, either is not "normal". The same could be said for fall, maybe it will be a very short fall or a longer fall. Maybe winter will be short but we will get dumped on. Maybe spring will bring abnormal amounts of rain. The soils everywhere will be disturbed by the changes in weather patterns and the rains will cause flooding and land slides. Maybe it won't be all that bad, and probably won't be... for a while. Maybe 10 years it'll be OK. But what is clear is that something odd is happening. Right now, right here, odd happens to feel pretty nice - it has been threatening to rain here all day and has been cool and cloudy, very weird for Sacramento in July. But eventually odd is not going to be so nice, super cold winters, extended rainy seasons, etc.

Some pull the evidence of prior warming and coolings that have happened in recorded history, mini-ice-ages and such. It is true, and this may be a global temperature cycle, except that the rise in temperature is at a rate that is unprecedented in the last half a million years. Go talk to Gore about that one.

Anyway... nice weather we're having, eh? :)