Wednesday, October 17, 2007

firefox facelift

So apparently the firefox people have been working on new lookS for firefox 3.0. It appears that they have decided to go the way of a different look/feel for each OS, even differentiating between XP and Vista, as well as Mac. They initially weren't going to do anything special for Linux, probably just clone the XP skin, but the Linux community got all up in arms about it and they have since reconsidered. Now I guess they are going to do another different style for Linux as well. That makes at least 4 different styles of the same version of the program.

Sounds ridiculous to me.

Mozilla user interface design specialist Alex Faaborg wrote... "I think a unified cross platform UI results in applications that at best feel foreign everywhere, and at worst don't even feel like real applications,"
I think I would have to disagree with him on that one, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Don't they offer themes to d/l so each individual can skin their apps as they see fit? Why do they think that they can make a better decision than the end user for what they want it to look and feel like?

What do you think?
