Wednesday, October 17, 2007

RNA gene silencer contraceptive pill

Still 10 years or more out, if at all, but a new pill being researched my offer non-hormonal birth control. The pill, taken by women, interferes with a gene that make a protein on the outside of an egg making it possible for sperm to attach to it. This gene blocks that protein from being produced. This protein is only produced just before fertilization, and the gene isn't used/present in the body anywhere else at any other time.

They have successfully tested it in mice.

They start mentioning 'off target' effects which they define as:

effects - where the therapy has an unwanted effect elsewhere in the body

When the article started off with:
A contraceptive drug that avoids the side effects of hormonal birth control

Sounds like a side effect to me, why not just call it one? Not the same side effects as hormonal birth control, but still side effects non-the-less.
