Friday, June 22, 2007

Grande Mamma

Grande Mamma
Originally uploaded by Alpozzi Alberto
This is a really cool photo I came across on Flickr. It is reminiscent of the long exposure theme I blogged about earlier. If this was not done in post processing, then it was done with long exposure and zoomed while exposing... really cool! I had not thought of that effect.

I really like that seen in LOTR: The Fellowship of The Ring, when the Hobbits jump off the road before the wraith comes, there is this crazy cool zoom effect thing that happens... I forget the name of it right now. They zoomed in while pulling the camera away from the subjects, or the other way around, and it creates this wicked effect.

Something similar to that above. I bet this was done with the camera, and not post processing, because the photo was taken at night, they would have been able to get the long exposure time needed for this effect. Really cool. I will have to experiment with this kind of effect myself.