Monday, June 4, 2007

Weekends are too short

This weekend I went hiking with Lucy and some friends down around the Bay area. We were by the beach. It was a nice 82 degrees in Sac and much colder, windier, and cloudier in the Bay area. It was overcast almost the whole time. We did get to run around in old WWII beach front battery emplacements. That was cool. You could see this HUGE circle, probably 30-40 feet in diameter, where the massive cannons used to be mounted. The echo in the concrete stucture was awesome... I could not imagine what would happen to a human stuck in there when the cannon started firing. We had some drinks and chatted and hiked, overall it was good, I was extremely tiered though.

My dog has worms, amoebas, and giardia. Poor dog. I feed him three pills and some powder with his meals now. :( Dumb dog. Eats EVERYTHING. Furry trash compactor... yuck!

On Sunday I went and scooted around Sac with Lucy in tow, and a couple of buddies. We drove around just to drive, and then I came home and bought a couple video games. I am cheap and not that into gaming anymore so I will rarely every pay new price for a game. Gamestop was closed already so I went to Target and bought a couple "classic" titles, meaning they are old enough to be cheap new. I got Medal of Honor II (I think) and that zombie shooter one in Racoon City... ummm... Resident Evil 4. The latter is awkward, as it always has been, and like in all zombie games, they don't give you enough ammo to shoot everyone, so I am quickly stuck at a part where I am overwhelmed by zombies and not good at fighting them off, as I have only played one of this particular series briefly before. Something to look forward to.

Back to work!