Friday, June 22, 2007

Sacramento photo contest

This one is just for fun. There is a group on Flickr called Sacramento Photographers and it is just a place for locals to show their photos. That's it. Someone in the group decided to start a photo contest, just for fun. We (members of the group) put up photos pertaining to a particular theme. We have to take the photo during the time period alloted, and then when it's over, we all vote on which we like best. The winner...? The winner gets to choose the theme for the next contest! :) That's it. I love it. What a great idea. I hope to win this one, just so I can say I won and choose the theme for the next one.

This ones theme was long exposure... so I set out to take a LONG exposure shot. I took shots all evening one evening, and this is what I came out with:

Canon Rebel XTi w/ 50mm f/1.8, ISO 100, f22, 30 sec exposure, monochrome.

This is the buddah head I have hanging in my living room.

I set the camera on timer, and put my head under the chin and sat there for the first 15 seconds of the shot, then I moved away, to get that ghostly effect, for the remaining 15 seconds. I am very proud of the shot and it came out just as I had wanted it to. I don’t know that I will win, but I am completely satisfied with my photo.