Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So I am surfing around flickr yesterday, and go to the Sacramento photographers group. I find a new post in the discussions section about someone locally selling some Canon camera lenses. I read the post, posted 12 minutes before I found it, saying that they have a 28-95mm zoom lens for $25!!! I was on that in a flash (hehe... hehe... get it?). I went to downtown immediately after work and picked up my new lens! Yeah! It is pretty cool. It allows me to get wider than my 55mm prime, which is one of the issues I was having, and it gives me some flexibility at close range as it is a zoom... PERFECT! I am very pleased. What a steal!?! She said that she got it for Christmas, so it was free to her... but still... she was selling another very similar lens for $200 that she bought brand new for $270. Lucky me! :D