Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lunch time macro-ness

I went and wandered along the river today at lunch photo hunting. I wanted to try out my macro "diopters".

I tried the 4x on the 50mm at home last night, and was able to get in close enough to make about 1 inch or less across take up the entire viewable area, as opposed to without the diopter I could only get close enough to get about 5 or so inches across to fit in the screen and still focus.

Today I tried the zoom lens with the diopters. I started with the 4x on the zoom, which was fun. I was able to zoom in on a flower that is only 1cm across, but it didn't take the whole viewable area. I found that I ended up with an incredibly small depth of field, not by choice. It appears this is the price. I then tried the 1x and found that it is better suited for the zoom lens, giving better depth of field while still allowing me to get closer than without it.

The minimum distance from the lens to the subject is determined, from my observations, by the distance from the lens to the sensor. In a PAS (point and shoot) that is very short, as they are built compact. With a zoom lens that distance is much greater. It appears that the minimum (working) distance is something greater than focal length (lens to sensor), probably not a linear relationship, probably exponential of some sort.

Anyway, I can get way closer now than before, so mission accomplished.

Satiation... if only temporary ;)